All aboard the train,
Not the “Snowpiercer” train:
The Bong Joon Ho train.
Every so often, a movie comes along that *literally* everyone who sees it urges the uninitiated to go into it knowing as little a possible.
Even less frequently does a foreign film have breakout success of such epic proportions that every showtime and every theater is sold out for its entire opening weekend stateside.
So when those movies are one in the same, I’m not going to fuck around with commentary that could give away a shred of a detail that you didn’t know before reading this review. Spoiler culture be damned, I’m doing this for your own good. I’m not going to comment on Bong Joon Ho’s masterful criticism of modern classism, and I’m definitely not going to rave about the devilishly twisted turns that “Parasite” takes before its curtain clos. Because even though you knowingly clicked on this review fully prepared to learn something new about the little Korean film that your cinephile coworkers and friends just won’t shut up about, I’m doing you a huge favor by removing myself from the conversation entirely. Trust me.