Rating: Frozen.
Call it a letdown
But then you would’ve had to
Have expectations.
If there’s one thing we can all agree on during these trying times, it’s that your guttural reaction to Pixar’s first movie of the year, “Onward,” was or will be a big fat “Meh.” But what’s particularly confounding isn’t that Pixar kicked off the decade with such a mediocre entry into their canon – it’s why they want (or at least planned) to release two movies in the same year with such similar storylines. Thankfully, “Soul” does look like the better of the two, but only time will tell if it is. And since time is a construct being brought to its knees by COVID-19, it won’t be long we get to find out (assuming it gets a VOD release).
I drank far too much chardonnay while watching Onward to make sense of the notes I took. So instead of a proper review, here’s a list of 10 Things I Could Have Done Instead of Watch Onward.
10 Things I Could Have Done Instead of Watch Onward
10. Catch up on Season 3 of “Westworld,” which I have yet to start.
9. Read “Watchmen.”
8. Work off the debt I owe Tom Nook for the loan on my first house.
7. Take a brisk walk around the cul-de-sac.
6. Online shop for puzzles, Funfetti mix and conditioner.
5. Dust off the old keyboard my dad got at a garage sale that no one ever touched.
4. Put new batteries in said keyboard.
3. Play some random notes on the keyboard and think about actually learning how to play.
2. Put keyboard back in the basement.
1. “Work on my portfolio.”